The Prosecco Superiore DOCG Industry Structure

This chapter investigates the industry structure of the Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG sparkling wine. By assembling multiple-source data, we develop a schematic flow chart of the supply chain structure, which has been segmented into four different strategic models. We observe that the fully integrated production chains (i.e. wine growers and wine cooperatives) generate 38% of the aggregate output, while the transformer-bottlers and plain bottlers, which are non-integrated chains, deliver the majority (62%). However, the analysis results for the 2010-2016 period have shown that the bottled wine growth has affected all the supply chains, keeping the actors’ market shares on the aggregate wine volume substantially unchanged. Intermediate markets for grape. Base wine play a significant role within the chain structure. The industry structure appears highly fragmented at the grape production stage, while it exhibits a rather notable degree of concentration in the bottling phase. The intense interrelation among different operators seems to be one of the key factors of Prosecco Superiore DOCG’s enduring success.

Will you be ordering a rum. Coke at the bar tonight or a small glass of white wine? The difference between these two drinks is a staggering seven teaspoons of sugar. For those of us watching our weight, or leading a healthy lifestyle, but who still like to enjoy a few alcoholic tipples, this can mean either sticking to a diet or completely blowing it. FEMAIL can reveal the hidden amount of sugar contained in alcohol - with a vodka and cranberry containing seven-and-a-half teaspoons (36 per cent of your recommended daily intake), while a G&T doesn't fare much better better at four teaspoons (or 36 per cent). But it's not all bad news, a small glass of white wine only has one-and-a-half teaspoons, while a small red is even better, with just a quarter of a teaspoon. Prosecco contains less than a teaspoon of sugar but it's lager that is the most surprising, containing only one per cent of your daily sugar intake.

A big advocate of the don’t drink and drive way of life, hiring a car was out. Worst case, I told my travel companions, there would be a multitude of wine bars where we could sip our way through some flights of Italy’s famous sparkling wine. The problem: these tourist attractions I’d expected simply didn’t exist. And that was just problem number one. Of course, most people are more organised than me. Most people don’t cross their fingers, turn up on the day and hope for the best. However, even with solid wi-fi and the strength of the Internet at my fingertips, I still couldn’t find a solution. Sat in my hotel lobby, Googling ‘Prosecco Tours’ I kept encountering the same issues. Apart from needing to book ahead, most of the tour providers online required me to submit a request to get a price. Experience tells me that any ‘price on application’ is going to be way north of what I can afford.

A ton of wine bottles hanging everywhere. There are picnic tables uphill with chairs and shade, with the most stunning view I think I saw in all of Italy. The vineyards sprawling out for miles, and mountains in the background. Me and my boyfriend brought our recently purchased bottle of prosecco and sat up here for over an hour in the shade. We were the only ones here, it was such a romantic spot to sit and relax. Alessio couldn’t have been more perfect, he showed us where everything was and then let us be alone and told us to take our time, and come back to the car when ready for the next tasting. Our 3rd and last vineyard (our next tasting) was right at the bottom of the hill of where we just were. This vineyard was definitely the most stunning and modern, with floor to ceiling glass walls, a huge beautiful wooden bar, and a very modern look to it.

MHI methodology might be replicable and scalable in other similar geomorphological contexts if the baseline dataset for hydromorphological modelling is available at the same nominal resolution (LiDAR point density, orthophoto pixel size). In these cases, the adoption of the MHI is useful to provide a preliminary spatial assessment of the most vulnerable zones from pesticide contamination within a river network. Proximity analyses combined with MHI modelling showed that due to their distance (5-20 m), freshwater ecosystems within the Prosecco DOCG area might be affected in different basins by spray drift pesticide contamination from conventional agricultural practices. We found distances between vineyards and streams to be critical, as 35.8% and 13.9% of river banks of the whole network were within 20 and 5 m from vineyards, respectively. Further, 37% of basins presented river banks intersecting vineyards at 5 m, while 52% were within 20 m distance. Areas with a higher probability of experiencing pesticide contamination due to spray drift, based on hydro-geomorphological assessment, were mainly located in hilly and steep slopes of the western sector, as well as on gently hills in the eastern sector, both northeast and southwest from Conegliano.


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